Pitcher | Age | Level(s) | SO/9 |
Gorgen, Matthew (pictured) | 21.6 | A- | 13.7 |
Hinkle, Austin | 22.3 | A | 12.9 |
Moore, Matthew | 19.2 | R | 12.8 |
Schenk, Neil | 22.2 | A- | 12.6 |
Long, Matthew | 23.9 | R, A- | 11.5 |
Mavares, Deivis | 21.9 | VSL | 11.5 |
Barnese, Nick | 19.7 | A- | 11.5 |
Reid, Ryan | 23.3 | A+, AA | 11.4 |
Satow, Joshua | 22.7 | A- | 11.3 |
Jarman, Michael | 23.3 | R | 10.9 |
Bagley, Jamie | 21.1 | R, A- | 10.9 |
Rafferty, Thomas | 23.6 | A- | 10.9 |
Liriano, Nelson | 20.8 | DSL | 10.8 |
Cruz, Joseph | 20.1 | R | 10.3 |
Lara, Braulio | 19.7 | DSL | 10.3 |
Note: Minimum 20 IP for rate stats and only players younger than 26.0 are included as anyone older I don't consider a "prospect."
Moore and Barnese stand out based on Age/Level
ReplyDeleteI set the IP low so we could see the HV and DSL/VSL guys, maybe I should have set it higher. Or, I guess I could have made a column for IP. Anyway, I thought these were fun to look at.