Hitting Leaders:
Average: Drew Anderson (.322)
Slugging: Drew Anderson (.525)
On Base Pct: Shawn O’Malley (.388, second in FSL)
Hits: Shawn O’Malley (98)
Doubles: Ryan Royster & John Matulia (17)
Triples: Emeel Salem (7, fourth in FSL)
Home Runs: Henry Wrigley (5)
RBI’s: Greg Sexton (37)
Stolen Bases: Shawn O’Malley (40, third in FSL)
Pitching Leaders:
ERA Starters: Alex Cobb(3.28, ninth in FSL)
ERA Overall: Chad Bradford (0.00)
Wins: Jeremy Hall (13, first in FSL)
Saves: Austin Hinkle (7)
Strikeouts: David Newmann (100, eighth in FSL)
Team Hitting Stats (league rank):
Average: .246 (tied 9 of 12)
Slugging: .346 (10 of 12)
On Base Pct: .321 (6 of 12)
Hits: 903 (10 of 12)
Doubles: 166 (8 of 12)
Triples: 29 (tied 6 of 12)
Home Runs: 47 (11 of 12)
Runs Scored: 465 (3 of 12)
Stolen Bases: 136 (tied 2 of 12)
Team Pitching Stats (rank):
ERA: 3.67 (7 of 12)
Runs Allowed: 470 (9 of 12)
Strikeouts: 822 (2 of 12)
Walks: 291 (3 of 12)
Transactions: Darin Downs promoted to Montgomery (8/6/09). Ryan Morse added to roster from Montgomery (8/6/09). Alex Cobb 7-Day placed on disabled list (8/8/09). Chad Bradford added to roster on MLB rehab assignment (8/8/09). Fernando Perez added to roster on MLB rehab assignment (8/8/09). Angel Castro added to roster after being claimed by organization as a free agent (8/8/09). Henry Wrigley activated from disabled list (8/9/09).
Injuries:Stephen Vogt (shoulder), Jesse Darcy (elbow), Greg Sexton (foot), and Alex Cobb (hand).
The Week Ahead: 8/13/09: vs St. Lucie Mets (16-26). 8/14/09-8/16/09: at Palm Beach Cardinals (19-24). 8/17/09-8/19/09: at St. Lucie Mets (16-26).
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