Hitting Leaders:
Average: Russ Canzler (.348)
Slugging: Russ Canzler (.654, seventh in INT)
On Base Pct: Russ Canzler (.517, second in INT)
Hits: Brandon Guyer (11, tied ninth in INT)
Doubles: Brandon Guyer and Justin Ruggiano (4, tied fourth in INT)
Triples: Jose Lobaton (1, tied third in INT)
Home Runs: Russ Canzler and Desmond Jennings (2, tied fourth in INT)
RBI’s: Russ Canzler and Justin Ruggiano (7, tied seventh in INT)
Stolen Bases: Desmond Jennings (3, tied fourth in INT)
Pitching Leaders:
ERA Starters: Alex Torres (0.00, tied first in INT)
ERA Overall: Alex Torres (0.00, tied first in INT)
Wins: Alex Cobb (2, tied first in INT)
Saves: Brandon Gomes (3, tied first in INT)
Strikeouts: Alex Cobb and Alex Torres (17, tied first in INT)
Team Hitting Stats (league rank):
Average: .245 (8 of 14)
Slugging: .364 (10 of 14)
On Base Pct: .317 (8 of 14)
Hits: 82 (6 of 14)
Doubles: 20 (tied 2 of 14)
Triples: 1 (tied 9 of 14)
Home Runs: 6 (8 of 14)
Runs Scored: 38 (5 of 14)
Stolen Bases: 8 (tied 5 of 14)
Team Pitching Stats (rank):
ERA: 1.94 (3 of 14)
Runs Allowed: 22 (3 of 14)
Strikeouts: 107 (1 of 14)
Walks: 25 (tied 3 of 14)
Transactions: Casey Kotchman promoted to Tampa Bay (4/8/11). Chris Bootcheck placed on 7-day disabled list (4/13/11). Richard De Los Santos placed on 7-day disabled list (4/13/11). Paul Phillips added to roster from Montgomery (4/15/11).
Disabled List: Chris Bootcheck and Richard De Los Santos.
The Week Ahead: 4/16/11-4/18/11: vs Gwinnett Braves. 4/19/11-4/22/11: vs Charlotte Knights.
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